AI-Driven Business Projection Analyzer
Iki Design Studio seeks to enhance its business planning process by integrating AI technology. The project involves developing an AI agent or multiple agents capable of analyzing business projections generated by the company's proprietary software. The goal is to provide actionable feedback on improving these projections, focusing on accuracy and strategic insights. Students will apply their knowledge of AI and data analysis to create a system that can identify trends, highlight potential risks, and suggest optimization strategies. The project will require students to work with existing business data, understand the nuances of business forecasting, and implement AI models that can deliver meaningful insights. This project offers a practical application of classroom knowledge in AI and business analytics, allowing students to contribute to real-world business improvement.
Social Media Marketing Campaign
Our studio launches new products and services every year. We hope to revamp our social media marketing to attract more customers for each new product or service. We would like to work with students to design a new social media marketing campaign for our company. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s products and services, social media campaign goals and target market. Identifying social media channels and strategies suitable for our company. Create campaign content templates for each channel. Identifying metrics to monitor throughout the campaign. Schedule content to be posted using a scheduler.
Financial Modelling webapp UI/UX redesign
Our company would like to explore re-designing our current financial modelling/dashboard website. We are always on the lookout for innovative and fresh UI and UX ideas that will help our users. This will involve: Conducting background research on our existing web application for the product. We are happy to provide a walkthrough and other resources to help bring them up to speed. Identifying key areas of our current website and what areas of focused might return the best results in a redesign. Learning and using various software design tools. We strongly recommend students learn how to use Figma as this is the latest and greatest tool currently available. Creation of a screen by screen UX / UI prototype of a web application which can be used on all major browsers and be mobile friendly Conducting UX / UI testing with real potential users potentially involving paper prototypes or other software tools to support this
Mobile App Development - Financial
We are soon launching a web app version of financial planning tool. We would like to collaborate with students to build a mobile version of the webapp for launch in a couple of months. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our existing platform, products and services. Identifying how the webapp version could be modified so as to be appropriate for a mobile app experience. Implementing and documenting mobile app development. Recommending areas for future app improvement.
Matching platform for kids camps
We would like to collaborate with students to develop a platform that allows parents to see camp options for their kids easily. We would use an Agile framework for development. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our company’s target market. Reviewing our specification and understanding the phase 1 features in detail. Building the platform using and existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and Node.js Recommending new features that could be added in future phases.
Adding two-sided marketplace features to existing website
One of our existing websites requires the addition of a two-sided marketplace. Two types of audiences should be able to register for the site and then find each other through the site. The site will then enable and monitor the partnership between the two parties.
Matching web application
We would like to collaborate with students to develop a matching platform between 2 types of users - North American mentors and African teachers. The web app, after making a match based on preset criteria, will also track the progress of the mentoring relationship between mentors and teachers, with a checklist that each user would have to complete, as and when specific mentoring milestones are reached. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our web app's target market. Selecting the best technologies for implementing the web app, preferring options that can be more easily taken over by our staff after the project ends. Web app development and testing
Geotagging Mobile App Development
We would like to collaborate with students to implement a new app that 1. geotags specific points while a tourist (the user) is on a trip and allows their photos at that geotag location to be uploaded to the cloud 2. shares those geotag locations and photos with others that are on the same trip. The app will have the following functions: Allow registration of 2 types of users - administrators and end-users Administrators would use the app, once logged in, to upload specific maps of the travel areas tourists (users) are most likely to go to. Allow end-users to geotag their exact location on the uploaded map and then allow photos from that location to be uploaded and shared
Recruitment Video Production
Our platform RobotsAfrica.org matches North American mentors to African teachers to help guide them as the teachers learn robotics and attempt to bring it into their classrooms to teach to their students. Recruiting mentors is increasingly difficult especially because as a non-profit, we ask that the mentors cover the costs for the African teachers, which includes buying a robotics kit and paying for access to a 6-month online course. We are looking to make a vibrant, compelling recruitment video for teachers to sign up, but more importantly to get more mentors onto the platform. Through this project, students will script, produce and edit a video showcasing our organization's strong culture and values, encouraging candidates to apply. Tasks may involve: Brainstorming various ideas for the video structure and content, and creating a storyboard for what the video will look like. Using existing interviews we have with teachers that have already gone through RobotsAfrica training. Creating a compelling script promoting our company culture and values. Putting together a proposal for (whoever is running the project)including the storyboard and script. Meeting with (whoever is running the project) to discuss the proposal, and making any changes necessary. Filming and editing the final video.
Mobile App Development - Audio/Sound Player
Our company sells Bluetooth-enabled speakers. We need a dedicated app for our customers. We would like to collaborate with students to build an app that: uses our existing UX/UI (built in Figma) allows users to register their purchased speaker has a database of sound files allows users to select from a base of hundreds of sound files to play on their dedicated speaker allows users to purchase additional sounds using in-app purchases.
Mobile App Development - Audio/Sound Player
Our company sells Bluetooth-enabled speakers. We need a dedicated app for our customers. We would like to collaborate with students to build an app that: uses our existing UX/UI (built in Figma) allows users to register their purchased speaker has a database of sound files allows users to select from a base of hundreds of sound files to play on their dedicated speaker allows users to purchase additional sounds using in-app purchases.
Architectural drawing review web application
We would like to collaborate with students to develop an architectural drawing review platform. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our web app's target market. Selecting the best technologies for implementing the web app, preferring options that can be more easily taken over by our staff after the project ends. Web app development and testing
Text to Audio Mobile App Development
We would like to collaborate with students to implement a new app that 1. converts pdf text to audio format and 2. allows users to look through and listen to selected audio files. The app will have the following functions: Allow registration of 2 types of users - administrators and end-users Administrators would use the app, once logged in, to upload and convert the contents of pdfs to .mp3 audio format. Allow end-users to review and listen to selected mp3 files.
ICT Ignite - Data Science Project
We are looking for learners to help create a sample dataset from a set of existing pdf documents (provided to us by consumers) and then once data has been extracted, to draw helpful insights that our consumers will use to make better, informed decisions. This project will require ETL skills (extracting info from unstructured pdf documents) and once dataset is ready, the learners will have to utilize skills in data visualization to build a visualization that will help our consumers better visualize information in their documents. Learners will hone their ETL and Data Viz skills. Learners will be challenged to work with unstructured documents and build an appropriate system for extracting and analyzing information from these documents.
Robotics Course Social Media Campaign
The goal of this project is to create a social media campaign strategy for The Robotics Course, a social enterprise that provides youth robotics teaching to middle and high school teachers in Canada. The campaign should reach at least 2000 teachers by the end of the campaign with a goal to have 100 teachers sign up for the course. The course is meant to allow teachers to have the skills necessary to start their own robotics teams or after-school robotics programs at their school. Many teachers don't know where to start as they don't have a technical background. The Robotics Course covers A to Z the building and coding of competitive youth robotics.
Animated marketing video
Our non profit organization is changing its fundraising strategy needs some branding, graphic design and videography help! We are looking for teams that can help amplify what makes us unique and create better messaging for our brand. This would include identifying areas of improvement and developing a plan for better promotion and brand awareness. We believe this project will require: Research to define our unique brand position and create consistent promotional messaging development of a story board and script using tools like videoscribe etc to produce a short animated video that can help us convey what we do and our ask We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as personnel, website analytics, sales and brand collateral, and more. We can also suggest names of similar initiatives that can provide context
Revamped Brand Identity and Graphic Design
Our non profit organization is changing its fundraising strategy needs some branding and graphic design help! We are looking for teams that can help amplify what makes us unique and create better messaging for our brand. This would include identifying areas of improvement and developing a plan for better promotion and brand awareness. This project may combine research, data analysis, graphic design w/ Sketch or Adobe XD, prototyping, one-page creations and more! We believe this project will require: Research to define our unique brand position and create consistent promotional messaging A branding guide Using tools like Canva, etc to design prototypes that can be implemented into our marketing collateral We will give you access to organizational assets to support this project such as personnel, website analytics, sales and brand collateral, and more. We can also suggest names of competitors and comparators to research.
App Layout Development
Our organization has developed a new product that is unrelated to our current line of business. This product, called BoomBrix, is a small Bluetooth speaker that is in the shape of a Lego brick, so that it can be easily incorporated into any Lego creation. This product will ultimately constitute a separate revenue stream for our non profit organization. In this project, we would like a layout design (and potentially an MVP) of an app that will allow sound bytes and music to be sent to the BoomBrix. There are some additional features that we will discuss in due course. We aren’t sure which platform we would like for it to be built on, but we have an idea of what we would like the app to do. We would like to work with students to develop the UX/UI for us. Students should be prepared to: Do competitive market analysis and customer journey and needs analysis Develop a design proposal based on findings in #1, including suggested development platform, timeline and budget Create the apps branding (including graphics) and layout mock-ups If scope, student interest and time permit, build a MVP (minimum viable product) of the app using available low or no code platforms.