Online Platform Retooling

Project scope
Product or service launch Information technologySkills
mysql php (scripting language) is the world's first and only academic feedback platform.
Our current platform uses PHP and MYSQL, as well as Laravel...and we need you to take it to the next level.
We have an opportunity to expand our markets, industries, and horizons, and we need your help in getting it done.
We are shifting from academic feedback, to feedback in general, and adding more features and rating types to our platform.
Our platform is called C.A.S.H.
C stands for Credibility which is established prior to a user being able to rate.
A stands for Anonymity, in that users want their ratings to be anonymous, and anonymous ratings are more honest...thus we aggregate all comments!
S stands for Security, in that users do not want their personal information collected, stored or sold. Our platform only uses school email addresses to establish credibility for academic feedback, but other feedback (non-academic) will not require a school email, and establishes credibility in another way (e.g. scan a receipt, scan a QR code, automatically after an online purchase, etc.)
H stands for Homogeneity, in that our ratings are more than just "Overall" scores; our ratings include context, multiple rating factors, and standard for each product or industry. For example, textbook ratings require an ISBN number, the subject and level it was used in, the year and semester, and the cost to establish context...then the textbook is rated on its Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Visual Aids, Value, Overall, and whether the user will recommend the textbook for a similar subject&level combination (e.g. 1st year undergraduate accounting). This approach makes our ratings Comparable and homogeneous...making them more valuable and more informative.
We want to build on the CASH platform and expand and improve our platform!
About the company
KnowQuest is the next evolution in online feedback, built from the ground up to maximize the value and meaningful information of reviews.
KnowQuest replaces existing feedback mechanisms with one that uses a custom credibility check, more honest feedback, is more secure, drowns out trolls, and yields actionable results.
We built a superior feedback platform from the ground up to address the unique needs of reviewers, and to add the most value to the purchasers of aggregated ratings. The C.A.S.H. platform was born!
Credibility: Credibility is checked prior to ‘unlocking’ the ability to rate
Anonymity: Ratings and Reviewers are anonymous, aggregated, and carry no repercussions
Security: No personal information collected, stored, or sold (beyond some basic login info)
Homogeneity: Ratings are broken down, comparable, and meaningful (not just 1-5 stars)